Sunday, November 23, 2008
Turkey Day Wishes
I am taking on a Turkey and one of us is coming out stuffed!
I am sad to say (but many of you might be glad) that I will not blog again until after the holiday. I am off now to cook for clients and then to Lawng Island to cook with my 'Stelling' family, so I will come back with my own pics of ??? and just wanted to send a Holiday greeting to you all...Many times we gather around with family and each take a turn saying what they are thankful for...I made a list, but the holidays are hard for me since my daughters favorite part of the year started with Halloween and ended with New Years. She loved to draw pictures and place them all over the house; which drove her step-father crazy, since many times she started in July! Just that thought makes me laugh, and remember the fun days when the kids were little and how they loved life, like their mother!
Be thankful for the ones you love...hold them close and tell them that you love them...even if you were not brought up affectionate...start today...with a gentle nudge, hug, or smother everyone with kisses (my favorite)...otherwise when they are's too late!
I am Thankful for my health
My talents, and zest for life
My wonderful partner if life
A son that drives me crazy and keeps me on my toes
...and that I had Ane in my life...even if it was for a short time...I wish all of you a wonderful Turkey Day with lots of love!
...OMG, I was cooking this weekend with Christmas music blasting in the restaurant kitchen, and my staff was calling me loco...Felis Navi dad...I wanna wish you a...Okay, next month...