Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Help I need a doughnut!
Well I have been craving them, but thank goodness there are not any convenient doughnut stores near me! Those commercial ones are filled with tons of Saturated fat and unhealthy flour they use, and making them with kids can be fun!
Kenny over at Chic Eats is to blame for his poetic reminiscence of a closed down chain of krispy goodness in I Miss You...his site is fun and a real foodie read...some of it is in his foreign tongue, but with the help of pictures I can fill in my own words...
So, I went on a search for a healthy version for Kenny and I to fit my eating style as of late...and I found a few goodies out there that even my clients son went for, so here we go...and I made some regular flour and oil versions (above) for Kenny and Raji...
My baked mini version Mardi Gras cake doughnut version...
Chocolate Drop Doughnuts in oil (rolled in powder sugar) were my favorite while I was working on a new painting of 'Jake at Window', a gift for one of my friends and her cat...
and so many more...but you know me I have to make my own version...and they were so yummy warm...and even after they cool and put into a container, my hubby said "Oh boy" when he saw them, he liked the regular and Mardi Gras bites the best!
I am walking some doughnut calories off!
Raw...her little coconut doughnut holes enticed me...maybe next time...