Old and new friends are like a good grape crush, they stain you in such a way- you never want it to wash away. Like meeting Tomatoes On The Vine- Velva this past week in Florida.
Being part of a small vineyard grape crush back in Dallas was one of the best perks of running my own wine and food catering business, The Cork Screws Wine & Food Experience. A Good Crush, was part of the 'Event Planning' the company did for our members. I suggest if you see one in your area you should go and remove that 'Ewww' I do not want my feet in something I am going drink attitude, and have some fun.
Take some friends and watch their faces as feet go up, and that Lucy Ricardo moment begins!
A few high quality Burgundy vineyards in France still use the stomping method. Local women come just after harvest and work out any frustration, I can only imagine. The juice sits as it has already begun to ferment, and then vats are strained, and put into barrels. Many of these vineyards, such as Échezeaux- who are known as leaders in the fields of organic, bio-dynamic and sustainable practices in much of the region.
Did I get into the squishy grapes? Of course I did! I am in the photo below, and my legs were much skinnier back then, but you guess which pair are mine and hubby's...
WAMPP- Wine Art Music Poetry Project:
-A Not-For-Profit event supporting artists, musicians, poets, playwrights, authors, and wine connoisseurs, while raising donations for congenital heart failure research- Childrens Cardiomypathy Organization
-WAMPP is about creating opportunities for people involved in the arts who might not otherwise have access to public venues and performance opportunities.
-Founded by Elizabeth Dillion-Stelling* in memory of her daughter, Anelisa Dillion, an young artist who passed away due to congenital heart disease.
-WAMPP is a family-oriented event that allows the public to sit or roam in an arts environment of scheduled music, poetry, author readings, children art activities, and with food and beverages (water, soda, and wine) available to consume on the premises.
I am happy to announce-
Wine Art Music Poetry Project
August 21st, 2010
10-8PM, Saturday
Straube Art Center & Sculpture Garden (a non-profit .org)
Pennington, NJ
My vision is coming to light. Musicians, poets, artist, and all others have so graciously agreed to help put this event on. Straube Art Center has consented to host the first event on their grounds, and other locations are contacting me to host one as well.
If anyone is interested in donating for this cause, please contact me, and I will give you details.
Many of you do not realize I myself was born with a heart defect, as well as my daughter who had Pulmonary Artresia. I also lost my clients daughter two years ago to Cardiomyopathy, something my daughter suffered from as well. A few of you out there who have shared with me your own loss of a child, and you know I plan on raising money for more charities as this gets off the ground.
Thank you all for your friendship in this blog journey that has helped me heal a few wounds as I share my passion for Food ~ Wine, and the arts (fun!)
Chef Elizabeth Stelling
Thanks to a fellow blog who herself has a heart defect, Brooke S. Rochon has donated her time and talents to design materials and the website for this event!