'Anna's yummy beef casserole...'
Hope everyone had a nice Easter! I must admit that I enjoyed not cooking Saturday and Sunday. Yes, I just re-heated left overs. I was Chef Laz'E! I did however put together that watermelon salad for our Saturday game night, and enjoyed the fact that when we arrived dinner was ready and waiting! Dessert too.
One of the couples we get together with have a baby now, and she is adorable! We are hoping the other couple gets pregnant too! They do as well, and I want to be aunt E. Kids are really fun when you can spoil them rotten and then send them home later, well, that is what they say right?

'Hubby looks like he already got into the wine, but isn't little T.C. cute!'
I will get back to my routine this week, and post some goodies I have been working on. For now enjoy the menu we munched on while playing a charade game, and we will not talk about how ridiculous hubby and I both were. I will never live down the word 'pump' ever!

'Dan's Kitchen Sink Chili was most excellent!'

'Anna's Corn Casserole...and she was worried what I would think about her cooking! It was all delicious!'

'Jay carries his own soda bag, because most of us drink water or wine. We had a good time laughing at what we all thought it really was...'
I forgot to take pictures of Gen's great carrot cake with cream cheese icing, and Anna's banana cake. She said it was suppose to have powder sugar on it though, and explained that they did not have any. Dan got up, took out 'The Bullet', and whipped out some powder sugar from the regular stuff.

'Jay had his turn at charades...too funny how we must have all looked!'
Thanks Dan and Anna for a fun night and good eats, and it is Murder Mystery BBQ night at our house next...