The weather is rainy and cold for the fishing we aim to accomplish this Saturday. We are having leftovers from my student menu, and to add some heat to the day I also warm up some Indian Saag Paneer (below). This time I decided to serve the stir fry over 'Rice Sticks' (Vermicelli) that I place in hot water to soften, blanch and then place in a bowl.
Add some red pepper flakes, a little mint chutney with jalapeno and I am good to go!

I make up some seedless water melon salad to take over to our friends for dinner and board game night. Due to the birth of one of the couple's new baby; then they needed to move into a bigger place we just have not gotten together, so I am excited!
Tips from my photographer, and a few others photos I admire (hint Sarah) that take photos on white backgrounds, so that the color comes out more crisp. The shadows are the biggest challenge, so its off to the store for lighting next week.

MORE PHOTO PLAY: Would you like a bit of the Saag Paneer (south), or (north) India, Palak Paneer. This is a favorite in Indian households here everywhere!

My fishing buddy hubby is for trout season that opens early Saturday in NJ. The equipment is ready in the van, he totes this handy knife that belonged to my father, along with a new vest he packed full of 'just in case' tools.

Watermelon Salad with Mint-Basil Vinaigrette
Remove Watermelon rind by cutting off ends first; then cut it in half. Take first half and cut ½ inch slices into three inch triangles. The other half will be sliced into 1 inch pieces. Place in separate bowls while working.
Clean and select enough nice sized and un-tarnished Escarole lettuce pieces, and place in bowl, or on plate for individual salad presentations. Tear some up to place under watermelon pieces.
Then Julienne one whole onion into 1/8 inch or less if possible for garnish, and as part of the salad.
Prepare vinaigrette for the salad.
1 cup olive oil
1/3 cup apple cider vinegar (I also added a few drops of white wine)
3 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons of heavy cream (or soy milk if desired)
-A raw chef friend of mine added cashews to replace the cream
3 tablespoons chopped fresh basil (some for garnish)
1 tablespoon chopped mint
2 cloves garlic, minced
pinch of salt
In a bowl, whisk together the olive oil, apple cider vinegar, honey, basil, mint, and garlic (I used my lil' chopper instead). Will keep in fridge for up to a month.
I had thought about adding some yellow tomatoes, or even wish it was the season for other watermelon varieties such as yellow and orange...the original salad I had by a chef friend was a multi-colored version with just oil and vinegar...