After a twenty four hour brown sugar and orange juice bath, add or take a few more hours to get other stuff done. The almost three pounds of Salmon was cut up today, and sits on its cold fridge racks to cure for another twenty four...hey is that a popular show right now? I bet you would get bored watching this for an hour...
Once this cures it will go into the smoker for hours of slow sweltering alder chip heat...maybe if I hop in there I can too burn off some of my fat! Nahhhhhhh 'forgetaboutit'...
I almost gave in and cooked a piece for my dinner, but I went with this instead...Okra and tomatoes, or as the South Indians call it Bhindi...or they use the whole or cut up okra, and sometimes on menus it will describe it as 'stuffed'. This dish mainly comes from the South parts of India...where I come from in the south, we call it just plain Good!
Christine AKA Mistress of Cakes and other have tantalized me with a blog of Stewed Tomatoes and Rice, so I had to make of my repeated favorite dishes for a cold and lonely night...
Thirty8, Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur
2 weeks ago