There are two things I have been told to package and sell in the past...jalapenos and citrus zest. Why? If you had to ask then you have not cooked with these ingredients before on a large scale basis...or, like me you found short cuts to having them pre-pared and ready to go the 'hard way'. What a pain it can be to take those extra steps in the recipes we love so much. I am a citrus freak, and I know jalapenos come in a can already chopped, but they are not 'fresh'; they have been pickled or canned.

I just made 'Lemon Bombs' call for 2 tablespoons or more of zest. After one lemon, your hands get tired. Zest'ing tools are nice, but only a small amount comes off each time, and then what do you do with all that lemon juice? Once I made Lemoncello; which calls for whole zest to be added to the mixture (some recipes call for you to cut the rind with out the white pith).
That light bulb went off in the full cupboard I call a head, and that was all she, I will share!

Cut the rinds off with out the white pith (makes things bitter)...pull out the mini chopper (let me introduce you to my little friend!), and then place in refrigerator for those winter baking spells! Summer time fun can pre-peel cocktail and garnish for your various events. I mentioned 'fresh' chopped Jalapenos? Well same concept, if you use them enough just chop them up, place in fresh 'chlorine free' sterile water, and freeze. Doggybloggy shows us a great tip on reconstituting a dried chili when fresh are not available...
What do you do with all that juice from the un-used lemons? Use what you need for recipes and then place in air tight container, or ice cube trays and freeze for the next recipe. Recommend only keeping in far back of freezer for up to six months...'Freezer Organization' well, that is another blog...