Every where you look you see dirt...on television, out of your front, back, every window, when you take a walk, head to work, run errands, shop at the markets, and even inside your own home it lurks...sometimes neglected...(Photo courtesy of Moi in the PNW-Wilmette Valley- I found this unity and contrast of dirt along side human need poetic)
Other representations come to mind as well...soil, terrior, mud, sludge, earth skin, and it even comes in different colors...black, red, brown, sand, or moldy green and white tones... Yes, I am talking about how we cannot live without it. The earth would become literally a wasteland if we did not take care of our dirt... We consume dirt in our daily diet through nourishing foods we prepare for our families or just ourselves.
We consume it through minerals in our water, the wine we so cherish, our vegetables, grass feed beef, and build our kingdoms upon it, but why do we not take care of it as we should. We all are Dirt! I hold no dirty little secrets behind this post, just a mornings coincidence and related post on 'Wanting Some Grass', that tied into my blogcruising (Chefbliss credit & contribution to my vocabulary), and 'A Look Into Someone Else's Artwork'...I guess what it all boils down to in my pot, is a need for 'Some Good Dirt'....
I woke up to some BBC news story about how someone decided that we needed a little reminder, possibly some education on the possibilities of what might happen if we continue to let nature and the way we treat Dirt! destroy our way of life as we know and love it...
Quote- "It possibly has more life in it than we do..." -GARY VAYNERCHUCK Host, WineLibrary.TV (of New Jersey), and notice you see him literally lick soil from his hand in his bio photo, and he is also known as a kooky star of his own wine dreams...
When you come across some good dirt, no matter where you live, it is how you nurture it, take hold of it and run with it, share it with others...there is nothing like good ole dirt...
Thirty8, Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur
2 weeks ago