Part I, Brown Sugar Brine & Alder Smoked
Just recently I wrote a story for a blog friend who's daughter likes to read story was about a Bear who likes their sweet berries, but then I remembered that the when the bear is hibernating in the winter he is dreaming about his sweet salmon treats...since it is cold outside, some of us probably feel like hibernating, but I am going for the candy...
Once on a trip to the Whole Foods market years and years ago I saw this dried fish, and ask what it was. The guy behind the counter told me it was smoked Yukon River Salmon Candy...I of course had to try a bite, and he obliged my wishes...oh my what a tasty treat. Brown sugar brined Salmon strips is smoked in alder! I saw it again, but at $19.99 a pound, I think I will pull out my stove top smoker and make my own!
My first attempt came out pretty tasty...
I bought two pounds of Alaskan Wild Caught King Salmon...yep, after this month you cannot find it except frozen or smoked. I guess that is why they came up with a smoked version, because you crave this version in the off season. Now the brine calls for water, salt, and lots of brown sugar. Get out your large container and give that salmon its cold water bath over the fridge of course!
Take and cut it into one inch strips (small smoker), and be sure to keep adequate space around each piece to allow the smoke to filter around the fish from all sides. Next place racked fish into refrigeration for a minimum of 12 hours, this allows the fish to cure.
After you have cured the fish you are ready to smoke it. Start out as cool as you can and gradually increase your temperature to an internal temperature of 150 degrees (F) for 30 minutes. Remove rack from smoker and allow your finished product to cool. Your fish is now ready to be vacuum sealed or consumed.
WARNING:Remember that if you choose to vacuum seal your products that you MUST keep it frozen or refrigerated until you are ready to use it. Be sure to sanitize your smoking equipment after use.
I have decided on a few recipes to use this in, and will continue in a few days once the salmon has cured and been smoked in alder chips...
I will post Yukon River Salmon Candy- Part II next...
Thirty8, Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur
2 weeks ago